Thursday, July 7, 2016

Fightin' Over The Carrot Stick

Fighting over a carrot stick probably isn't too uncommon amongst guinea pigs, but in this instance we thought it was a pretty big deal. 

Julia the sometimes-bully acting innocent
As described in earlier posts, out of these two guineas, Julia (the white one) tends to be the dominant of the two - probably because she's a bit older and arrived first into our household.  Sometimes Charlotte lives a dog life being bullied and getting her ears nipped by Julia like she does, but the two work through their issues and often snuggle pretty close to one another for their afternoon naps. 

With this relationship the way it is, sometimes you see Charlotte go up to the food area when new kale or spinach is thrown in and waits for Julia to start eating before she does.  Sometimes she does this, but not always.  Her favorite are the mini carrot sticks, though, so when she sees those, it's not uncommon for her to sit really still for about ten seconds eyeballing the carrot stick she wants.  Guineas seem to think they can't be seen if they stay really, really still, but funny enough Julia knows the same tricks and never falls for it.  Once Charlotte thinks she is completely invisible, though, she grabs her carrot stick and hauls that little guinea pig butt to her hut and starts chowing down. 
Charlotte being innocent

In the video we see Charlotte in her hut, but Julia is in there, too - she followed Charlotte in this time and tried to commandeer the carrot stick.  Julia is sitting there with that stick in front of her, but this time Charlotte isn't going to take it and as my daughter said - she stands up for herself this time.  A little struggle ensues. 

Click the video link below to check it out.

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